Headstart Presents Award

Glenna Lightfoot, representing Visions United, with Mary O'Donnell , receiving an award for donations to Moncton Headstart .
Visions has received an award each of the past 4 years for generous donations to the school supply and Christmas Toyland projects.

Visions Recognized

The congregation of Visions United Church was very pleased to receive a certificate of recognition from The United Church of Canada.

Camp Ta-Wa-Si

On July 17-19, 2016 Vision's United were at Camp Ta-Wa-Si enjoying the great weather and fellowship.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.


We started May with a couple of bell workshops to see if we might have anyone from our church interested in playing the bells.
Two bell ringers.....more bells needed.  So, I am asking that if anyone would like to help them out this Sunday morning and practice with us at 9:00am.  You are welcome.!!!!!!
Maybe you played them in years past.....or you do read a bit of music...... I'm not asking for a commitment but "you" could be the one to be encouraging someone else that may have been a little shy in stepping up.
Daphna Pearson

Witness Blanket

Pam Harrison of Visions United recently visited the Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg where she was blessed to spend time learning about the WITNESS BLANKET. The blanket is made from cedar and contains items collected from the residential schools across Canada.

You will note the involvement of the United Church of Canada , bearing witness to our apology. We were asked to live our apology thus our crest bears the four colours of the First Nations. We also have established a special Sunday to pause and reflect on our past and current actions. What can we do to continue the healing?

We have provided a link to the WITNESS BLANKET story narrated by Sheila Rogers - please take the time to watch and listen and most of all learn.

Mission & Service Update

Wearing the colours of  Mission and Service of The United Church of Canada- Pam Harrison, Glenna Lightfoot, Lila Briggs and Joan Hawkes presented current information on several projects supported by your generosity. Visions United Church has set a goal of $22,000.00.