Pilgrimage Week 8

Week Ending

Current Week:  1548 km

Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km

Total Participants: 58


July 26, 2020

Total To Date: 12,316 km

Amount Over Goal:  5024 km

Total Pods: 8

Question of the Week?

What former Canadian Prime Minister moved to Saskatchewan as a child, and had a house (now a museum) in Fort Saskatchewan?

More Comments!

Pam sent in the following image

Walking across Canada we may want to reflect on the picture. The elephant is carrying the baby in the heat of the day! The lioness walks nearby, is this a lesson for us to ponder as we walk. This was posted as PICTURE OF THE YEAR. Pam

She also sent in this picture with a question:

This is an interesting sign, near where I live but knew nothing of this structure. Pam

I did a little digging and found this article

Word for the Coming Week: DISAPPOINTMENT

We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.

Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.

Fort Saskatchewan - Check out the heritage

Are We There Yet?

This week we continue on from Bay Tree General Store in Alberta and follow route 43 south to Fort Saskatchewan (a city of 25,000).   From there we pick up Route 3 to Prince Albert.    Next we turn south down to Preeceville.  Continuing south, we stop just outside of the town of Canora.  This just happens to be the home of the Ukrainian Heritage Museum.

(Click on the links above and read about our pilgrimage destinations).

To dive into the route on Google Maps click this link: Pilgrimage Week 8

Some pictures that were sent in this week

Time Zone Converter

Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.


Local Virtual Services for July 19

The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area

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Comments will appear once they have been reviewed

Pilgrimage Week 7

Week Ending

Current Week:  1423 km

Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km

Total Participants: 58


July 18, 2020

Total To Date: 10,808 km

Amount Over Goal:  3536 km

Total Pods: 8

Question of the Week?

Who founded the town of Fort McMurray and when?  What is their current claim to fame?

More Comments!

This week we would like to get more comments on the Pilgrimage.  Where are those Vision's Folks!

This past week Jean Smith of the Trinity Trotters did some of her walking at the Joggins Fossil cliff.  The Fossil Cliffs are a designated UNESCO World Heritage site.   A link to the Fossil Cliffs website is here:   https://jogginsfossilcliffs.net/unesco/ns.php

Preserved in nature, uncovered by force. Explore one of nature’s most inspiring creations, where the highest tides in the world reveal the most complete fossil record of the “Coal Age,” 100 million years before the dinosaurs. Every rock holds the possibility of discovery, and our guided tours may lead you to finding a missing piece of time’s puzzle. At Joggins, our backyard may be 300 million years old but every day is different!

Word for the Coming Week: ENDURANCE

We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.

Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.

Muncho Lake

Some pictures that were sent in this week

Are We There Yet?

It's on to Whitehorse this week along the Alaska Highway.  We are not going to count the mileage to backtrack along the route so we continue south from Watson's Lake to Liard River and Muncho Lake.   Staying on Route 97 (Still the Alaska Highway) to Toad River we pass the Stone Mountain Provincial Park heading south east to Fort Nelson.  We continue south passing the communities of Sikanni Chief,  Pink Mountain, Fort St John and Dawson Creek.  From there it's east on Route 49 to just over the Alberta border at the Bay Tree General Store.

(Click on the links above and read about our pilgrimage destinations).

To dive into the route on Google Maps click this link: Pilgrimage Week 7

Stone Mountain

Time Zone Converter

Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.


Local Virtual Services for July 19

The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area



POST A COMMENT below if you are on the journey!

Comments will appear once they have been reviewed

Pilgrimage Week 6

Week Ending

Current Week:  1393 km

Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km

Total Participants: 58


July 11, 2020

Total To Date: 9385 km

Amount Over Goal:  2113 km

Total Pods: 8

Question of the Week?

What is the name of Canada's Northernmost community?


Our Call this week for Pilgrimage pictures was a huge success. Lots from the Trinity Trotters from Amherst:

I am a member of the Trinity Trotters from Amherst NS. I have pictures that I took when I went to Northport Park and beach on the Northumberland Strait on July 9th.

Some pictures with the large sandbars were taken about 4 hours into low tide. There are two pictures of jellyfish which were very plentiful.


The “My friend the old tree” was submitted by Jean Smith.  The photo was taken during her walk near Amherst this week.  The other 3 photos are some of the places Kathy and I pass by during our bike rides throughout the Amherst Shore/Linden area. (Beach/Farming/Fishing country)  In all 3 photos you can see the Northumberland Strait. Lots of beautiful scenery to enjoy.  (But it doesn’t make the hills any easier!!) Have a great week.


Word for the Coming Week: BEAUTY

We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.

Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.

Are We There Yet?

Since arriving at our destination last week, we have turned NORTH to travel up the BC interior on our way to the Yukon.  We did not quite make it to Whitehorse, but we are enjoying the trip so far.

Our route takes us from Victoria up route 97 north. We pass through communities like Hells Gate, Chasm, 100 Mile House, 150 Mile House (interesting names right?). We follow the Fraser River further north to Quesnel, swinging east as 97 moves away from the river up to Prince George.  Then it's West along route 16 past the Seven Sisters Provincial Park and Protected area, passing beautiful mountain ranges, moving north again up route 37.  This takes us all the way to the Yukon boarder, where we pause for the week in the community of  Watson Lake.

This town in Yukon is located at mile 635 on the Alaska Highway close to the British Columbia border. The Canada 2016 Census put the population at 790.

(Click on the links above and read about our pilgrimage destinations).

Some pictures that were sent in this week

Watsons Lake

Time Zone Converter

Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.


Local Virtual Services for July 4

The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area



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Comments will appear once they have been reviewed

Pilgrimage Week 5

Week Ending July 4, 2020

Current Week:  1164 km

Total To Date: 7931 km

Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km

Amount Over Goal: 639 km

Total Participants: 58

Total Pods: 8

Word for the Coming Week: ISOLATION

We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.

Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.

Question of the Week?

How many points were on the maple leaf of Canada's First Flag?

George Stanley


We need more pictures of our groups.  We did get some more pictures from Shawn's actual trip across Canada which we will continue to share as we travel back through those areas.

Some pictures that were sent in this week

Are We There Yet?


We arrived this week in Victoria BC mid week (let's say CANADA DAY!).  This has been a fast trip as everyone is putting in lots of KMs for the pilgrimage.  We are on our way NORTH this week toward the Yukon as we work our way East.

Since this week we celebrated Canada Day, Pam Harrison had this note to us:

During the time of Prime Minister Lester Pearson it was very clear that Canada would have a new flag, it would be established to fly during the celebrate year of Canada’s 100th birthday. On Feb 15, 1965 for the first time the beautiful “Canada Flag” flew on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The flag has two red boarders marking the two oceans on either side of our nation. The centre is a white square with four equal side based on equality for all and the red maple leaf had 13 points to note the 10 Provence’s and 3 territories. This has changed to 11 points for design benefits. ( easier to print ).

The flag was designed by Dr George Stanley, Sackville, NB. The town commissioned an sculpture to design a statue of Dr Stanley sitting on a park bench, you can join him for a historic picture (see above)!

The Stanley’s shared the story of the strong emotions around the new flag. You see Canadian soldiers had fought two world wars under the Union Jack and they loved that flag. On the week before the flag raising the Stanley’s received death threats and hate mail. The flag raising occurred without violence however several Legion refused to fly the new Canada Flag for many years.

In 1967, Canada celebrated its 100th birthday and Canada flags were everywhere, people wore flag pins and clothing, the maple leaf was on our money and the Maple Leaf became our international icon. So now check the flag and enjoy knowing ,as we walked past Sackville ,we could have set with Dr George Stanley. The statue is located next to the Post Office, (Atlantic bubble) but be sure to wear your mask.

Time Zone Converter

Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.


Local Virtual Services for July 4

The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area



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