Visions in the Cloud – Mar 26

Seeking: Can these bones live?

Sometimes too much bad news fills our news feed.
Sometimes it feels like suffering has a microphone.
Sometimes our own life feels worn down.
Do we believe new life can come?
Can we find hope when things are bleak?
Can we really trust in God’s resurrection?
Join us this Sunday as we continue seeking honest questions for a deeper faith. Together, let us seek the Hope that will stir in us and sustain us.

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Visions in the Cloud – Mar 19

Seeking: Who sinned?

Uh oh! Sometimes the questions we ask are filled with assumptions and harmful theology. This week we pay attention to the kinds of questions we ask. We turn to a story when Jesus and the disciples encounter a blind man, and the disciples ask, "Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:2)

The hard work of "seeking honest questions for deeper faith" often involves wrestling with our assumptions, our intent and unhelpful theology about why things happen.

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Visions in the Cloud – Mar 12

Seeking: Will you Give me a Drink?

In the heat of midday, Jesus seeks out a Samaritan woman drawing water from a well. "Will you give me a drink?" (John 4:4-52).

Jesus' question is an invitation to us into a new way of life. This week we gather at the well, seeking to not simply quench thirst, but to find living waters that sustain us all.

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Visions in the Cloud – Mar 5

Seeking: How do we Begin Again?

This week we delve deeper into our Lenten theme, “Seeking: honest questions for deeper faith”. Nicodemus comes to Jesus under the veil of night to ask him big questions. Jesus invites him to begin again, to learn a new way of knowing and living out his faith (John 3:1-17). What questions might Jesus be calling you to live into?

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