Its about the Journey....
This year I started walking 5K a day or 10,000 steps on my FITBIT. Part of my self discipline was to register in a marathon per month, the result was a joy filled experience. Meeting new people, walking on new paths and streets, receiving beautiful medals, wearing fun new T shirts and crossing the finish lines.
Listening to The stories of other runners was the highlight for me. Most everyone had a reason for starting to walk or run. Mostly it was to improve their health but for others they experienced a dramatic change in their lives - death, separation, empty nester, etc. I found myself listening to others and learning that as humans we have so much in common. At the end of the race we would hug and thank each other for the time together - just being!! I reflected on the scripture " be still and know your God" and realized walking with others is living the scripture.
Walking brings you in touch with your spirit! As you walk you begin to think deeply of your life- it's joys, its challenges, a time to count your blessings. The warm breeze on you face, the smell of the flowers, the sounds of the birds, the smiles and greetings from others, and so on: all a gift from God.
Looking back on the past six months I realized that the walking community compares to belonging to a congregation. When we gathered we greeted each other with kindness and care. The conversation was positive and encouraging , it really was life giving! God enables us to gather in many ways.
God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!
Pam Harrison