Summer 2024 Collaboration

Collaborative Ministry

Join in community online on Sundays in July as our collaborative partners in Sackville offer leadership.

Visions and Central are closed for July. As we work toward an even richer collaboration, Sackville United will broadcast their Sunday Gathering using our livestream account.

Join us via Live Stream during our summer break

June 30 – Vacation
July 7, 14, 21, 28 – Vacation
Aug 4 - Vacation

We will resume in-person gatherings on August 11

2024 – Lent Series

Figuring out Faith with Peter

This Lent, we are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out—just like us.

This Lent Tune Your Heart to Spirit
Take up a spiritual practice this Lent using one of these practices:

Lenten Spiritual Practice Cards

Receive your collection of 62 daily devotional cards for Ash Wednesday through the second week of Easter. Each card has a weekly centering practice, a question for reflection, and a short prayer. Email if you missed receiving yours.

Lenten Devotional Booklet

Looking for something more in depth?  Our friends at A Sanctified Art have provided a special e-reader version of a Lenten Devotional Booklet, which you can access on your computer and mobile devices.  Beginning with Ash Wednesday, this weekly devotional follows the scriptures of the Wandering Heart series through the Second Sunday of Easter. Each week offers: commentary, poetry, visual art, written reflections, hymns, and reflection prompts. See the announcements for the link to the flip book.

Follow us on facebook   to our facebook page for a daily post for your wandering heart this Lent-Easter season.

Join us in-person each Sunday at 10:30am
at the Community Hub on Joyce
or here via Live Stream

2023 Advent Activities

Click Image for Spirit Gatherings

Join our Spirit Gathering in-person each Sunday at 10:30am at the Community Hub on Joyce, or by livestream.  Follow us through advent as we explore the series: How does a weary world rejoice? 

Photo-a-day Advent Spiritual Practice

Take a photo each day using these words as a prompt for reflection. Use your photo as a source of contemplation, Visio Divina. If moved, share it on social media using the hashtags. Gratitude to Rev. Catherine MacDonald who created these word prompts from the stories we will read from Luke's gospel this season. (printed copies of this postcard are available Sunday)


Click Image below to Enlarge

Join Greater Moncton United Churches as we join together to share our Music Ministry and Celebrate Christmas


Everyone is welcome

St. Paul's United Church
404 Cleveland Ave, Riverview

Refreshments to follow and donations will be collected for local food banks

For more information contact:

  • Brenda Barnes:
  • Marth Shawn  :

Advent Spiritual Practice Ideas 

Here are three options for a daily Advent spiritual practice - choose one that is just right for you!



Daily Advent Calendar 

Are you looking for a short daily prompt to practice joy? A daily Advent Calendar prompt will be posted on Visions facebook each morning by 6am. A set of printed cards are also available. Pick up yours this Sunday or contact


Advent Devotional

Looking for something more in depth?  Our friends at A Sanctified Art have provided a special e-reader version of this year’s Advent devotional, which you can access on your computer and mobile devices.   (See your email for the link).  NoteIn order to protect their work, please refrain from sharing this link or posting it on social media.

Printed copies available upon request
Email by December 1st:

2023 – Fall Series

I've Been Meaning to Ask

Some of the best conversations start with good questions—questions we’ve been meaning to ask, questions that keep us curious, and questions that lead us deeper into courage and connection. Our upcoming worship series from @sanctifiedart centers around four guiding questions:

I’ve been meaning to ask...

  • Where are you from?...
  • Where does it hurt?...
  • What do you need?...
  • Where do we go from here?

As you can see, these questions aren’t surface level; they invite us to tell our stories, share our pain, care for one another, and dream about a new way forward together. Through vulnerability and authenticity, may our courageous conversations lead us to glimpse hope, joy, and beauty—and to become the community God created us to be.

Join us in-person each Sunday at 10:30am
at the Community Hub on Joyce
or here via Live Stream

Vision Keepers

Vision Keeper

We are still looking for another Vision Keeper for our CLT.

This name is chosen because the primary role of the CLT is to hold the vision and mission of Visions United before them as they fulfill the responsibilities of governance. Vision Keepers intentionally tend the connection between the governance and ministry of our faith community, and the gifts of individuals within the congregation. They facilitate the creation of Circles of Service and Learning through listening and conversation with congregants. They discern how work in the five identified areas of ministry and mission are reflected in those Circles.

Vision Keepers attend 2 meetings each month for 9 months of the year. One meeting is 1 hour duration for Spiritual Grounding while the second deals with business and is usually about 2 hours.

Vision Keepers take turns facilitating Grounding Sessions.


Job Opportunity – Office Administrator

Office Administrator

Are you looking for a rewarding part time position in which you can use your people skills and creativity?

Visions United Church, an innovative urban congregation in Moncton, is looking for an Office Administrator who has strong writing and computer skills, and who can work cooperatively with staff and volunteers. This position is permanent part-time; 12 hours per week. The office is in a busy community setting (Community Hub on Joyce, Moncton).

Duties include receiving the public, managing the church office, data entry, receivables, email, filing and creating electronic communications. Proficiency with Microsoft office, Gmail/Webmail, technology, web-based programs and applications is essential. Experience using MailChimp and Canva is an asset.

Screening of applications and interviews will continue until a suitable candidate is selected.

Candidates can email resume and cover letter to 

Eligible candidates will be contacted for an interview.


For a more details list of duties and responsibilities see the following attachment

2023 – Lenten Series

Seeking: Honest questions for deeper faith

Many of us are asking big questions about our lives and our faith after the turbulence of the past few years. If you are returning to church, you are likely returning with more questions and a critical lens. We hope this series will help all of us unpack some of those big questions in ways that are honest and faithful.

This Lent we invite you to engage in the spiritual practice of seeking…

  • stay curious, open and nimble
  • soften your assumptions and expand your perspectives
  • draw deeper into the heart of God


Join us in-person each Sunday at 10:30am
at the Community Hub on Joyce
or here via Live Stream

Job Opportunity – Music Director

Music Director

Are you looking for a rewarding part time position in which you can use your musical talents and knowledge?

Visions United Church, an innovative urban congregation in Moncton, requires a creative individual to lead our music ministry. This position offers flexibility and the opportunity to work with an engaging team, lead a variety of volunteer musicians, and access to a wide variety of instruments. This position is 10 hours per week, which includes Sunday worship, and supporting activities.

Visions is a spiritual community welcoming a diversity of people; daring to make a difference.

Candidates can email resume and cover letter by October 2, 2022 to 

Eligible candidates will be contacted for an interview.


For a more details list of duties and responsibilities see the following attachment

April Covid-19 Planning Survey Results

Protocols for In Person Spirit Gatherings

Despite COVID-19 restrictions being lifted by Government in MARCH 2022, infections still are at a high rate in our region, as shown in hospitalization rates and health care employee absentee rates. Because of this, and with the risk profiles of Visions event attendees, your Congregational Leadership Team (CLT) decided that there will be no changes made in Visions’ COVID-19 precautions for April. The protocols listed below are in line with approximately 75% of the responders (total responders 49) to the recent congregational survey completed March 28th.

Thank you for your cooperation and participating in the Covid Planning Survey. This policy will be reviewed before May. Questions or concerns can be directed to Peter Lightfoot.


To download the PDF of the survey results click here

Spirit Gatherings and In Person Hub Events

  • continuous masking (except Spirit Gathering officiants at microphones)
  • 2-metre distancing between “social bubbles”
  • hand washing or hand sanitizer use
  • attendance will no longer be recorded and proof of vaccination status will not be required (Visions cannot legally request such proof)

Conversation Café

  • no Conversation Café in April

Pastoral Care Team Visits

  • no in person visits in April

Home Clergy Visits

  • a direct request from an individual or their family should be made to Shawn or through the Church Office to discuss the circumstances and agreed-upon precautions.

2021 – Spirit Gatherings Lent-Easter

"Spring is coming! That is the promise of Lent.
The death of winter will give way to newness of life
Violence and hate will give way to love and hope for all.
It's just that spring isn't here yet.
God's new world isn't here YET..."

Join us this Lent as we hear the stories of God's Covenant Promises.
Together, we will 'bless this mess' we have made of the world
and count down the 40 days of Lent with prayer and intention.
Then we will get to work with our Creator
and be a part of God's 'new world'
promised with the Good News of Easter.

Click here for a special Salt Lent Video

Lent At Home

The Spirit and Worship team have prepared a special "Lent at Home" experience for you.

It will include Bless this Mess Lenten devotional cards and some materials to create your own Lenten sacred space.

If you would like a 'Lent-at-Home' bag please contact Emily at our office: