Visions in the Cloud – May 30

May 30, 2021

Trinity Sunday-  “The Many Face(t)s of God”

God in Three Forms Being Served in Many Ways

The three-in-one nature of the Trinity is confusing for all of us. We look at a few explanations that help our understanding of the incomprehensible, and think of ways we can use our skills to serve God.

  • Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12: 4-12
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A Spiral Shaped God © Jan Richardson

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05-26 Community Hub Update

The construction site at 140 Joyce Avenue continues to be a busy place!
Have you had the chance to drive by? Here are a couple recent updates.


This week we walked on the floor of the Multi-purpose room and you can see a video tour of the room! Watch by clicking the picture Great Room below.

The staging is now removed and crews are installing drywall on the lower wall. This room is a wide-open space, just under 2000 sq.ft, is where Visions will host our weekly Spirit Gathering.

Also included in this week's update is a photo of the Children's Program & Small Meeting Room (now dry-walled), kitchen and the upstairs storage closet for our long term storage.


The HUB common area

Click on the image to watch the Video

Childrens Program & Small Meeting Room


Storage room

This Community Hub project is a partnership between the John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick and Visions United Church.

Visions in the Cloud – May 23

May 23, 2021

Pentecost is Now!

This Sunday we celebrate the fiery, windy festival of the Spirit.

After reading through the book of Acts, and those first stories of being church, we have circled back to the story of Pentecost, yet again. The Spirit is always on the move! We celebrate the Pentecost that is happening, NOW, today in our time and space.

Bring your Pentecost colours of red or orange to worship.

We will celebrate Communion.
Please prepare food for yourself: some bread and a cup of juice - perhaps grape or cranberry - or wine, with or without alcohol. We will bless the elements together with prayer and song.

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05-19 Community Hub Update

The construction site at 140 Joyce Avenue continues to be a busy place!
Have you had the chance to drive by? Here are a couple recent updates.


Great progress with construction inside these last few weeks!

Dry wall of the second floor and installation of door frames is almost complete, which you will notice in a few photos of the upper hallway and a view into an office.
You can see the duct work in the ceiling of the Multi-purpose room, and the light from the upper windows. We are looking forward to seeing the room once the staging is removed and work begins on the walls below.

The elevator lift is now installed! This ensures accessibility to the offices and work spaces on the second floor.

Downstairs, there are photos of the electrical room, views down the hallway of the first floor and a view into the reception area looking south to the front door. There's lots of construction materials lying around.

Brian Affleck was on site this week attending to some of the AV wiring and installation for the teaching kitchen. Thanks for your work, Brian, on this project!

Finishing work has begun on the apartment side. Flooring is laid and the Kitchen cabinets are being installed. We can begin to imagine the finished look of the apartments!

The HUB common area

Upstairs - Offices

Upstairs - Offices/Hallway

Reception - View south-to-front

Multi Purpose Room - Ceiling

Apartment Side of the HUB

Apartments - Kitchen cabinets

Electrical Room

Elevator Lift

Lower level -view down hallway

This Community Hub project is a partnership between the John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick and Visions United Church.

Visions in the Cloud – May 16

May 16, 2021

Charting the Course, Headwinds and Open Horizons

We are reaching the end of our journey through Acts. But first we hear the tale of a seafaring journey, a storm at sea, a shipwreck and the saving grace of kind hospitality. These stories of making church call us to imagine new directions and expanding possibilities for a still unfolding, not-yet-finished story of being church!

  • (Acts 27:39-44; 28:1-16, 30-31)

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05-12 Community Hub Update

The construction site at 140 Joyce Avenue continues to be a busy place!
Have you had the chance to drive by? Here are a couple recent updates.


The rainy weather is slowing down the installation of siding on the building. It is now complete on the front of the apartments, and the staging is around the side with some siding already installed on the lower reach of the back.

You’ll notice that some siding has been installed around the front door on the Hub side. Hopefully, some sunny days will prevail soon. Inside, the drywall will likely be complete on the 2nd floor of the Hub by the end of this week or early next.

The HUB common area

Main Entrance

Apartment Side of the HUB

Apartments - Front

Apartments - Rear

This Community Hub project is a partnership between the John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick and Visions United Church.

Visions in the Cloud – May 09

May 09, 2021

Christian Family Sunday & Mother's Day

Letters From a Time of Pandemic to Visions' Family of Faith

What letters or messages of encouragement, gratitude, challenge might we offer to each other as 'church' during these days and months of pandemic isolation, restrictions and separation? We turn our attention to a part of Paul's story that is woven behind the scenes, stories and speeches, which fill the pages of the Book of Acts (Acts 23-26).

Paul wrote letters of encouragement to the early Christian communities he visited on his travels. This week some of Visions friends will share some messages with us. Apart, together, during this time of pandemic, we encourage one another in faith. We will also have a photo story from our 10th Anniversary celebration last week.

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05-02 Community Hub Update

The construction site at 140 Joyce Avenue continues to be a busy place!
Have you had the chance to drive by? Here are a couple recent updates.

We celebrated our 10th Anniversary at the construction site on Sunday May 2nd.

The siding on the apartment side is being installed this week.

This week's update includes some photos of the architectural rendering of the completed building and some interior spaces

The HUB common area

Architects Render - Multi-Purpose Room

Architects Render - Kitchen

Architects Render - Exterior of MultiPurpose Room

Anniversary party

Outside - Hub

Apartment Side of the HUB

Architects Render - exterior

Architects Render - Apartments

Outside - Apartments

1st Floor - Plan

2nd Floor - Plan

This Community Hub project is a partnership between the John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick and Visions United Church.