
Vision Aiders is our outreach committee. The Vision Aiders purpose is to live the answer to this question:

  • What does God require of us?

The answer is:

  •  to seek justice
  • love kindness
  • and walk humbly with God


The Vision Aiders goals are:

  • we host regular 'ARMCHAIR MINISTRY' presentations where a speaker provides current and fair information on topics of social justice; such as poverty, mental health, global justice, healthy community living, etc.
  • with kindness and care we work with Moncton Headstart, Reconnect and the Karing Kitchen
  • we encourage our congregation to support the Mission and Service of the United Church of Canada (our objective is 20,000 per year)
  • we respond quickly to local needs in our community
  • we thank God for those who walk with us and are always humbled by what we are able to accomplish with God’s help


The Vision Aiders meet regularly and update their progress on all projects. Time and talent given to a specific project is determined by current needs. For example, food for the food bank is constant. However, Christmas gift cards are seasonal. The following is a list of ongoing projects.
- back to school items collection
- toys and gifts cards for teens at Christmas
- food for the food bank

Every Sunday people drop loose change and other donations into a large jar, being held by Glenna Lightfoot, to support the work of Reconnect in Moncton. Over the year we gift over $2,000.00 to this very important social justice work. Rev Shawn dedicates this generosity along with the all weekly gifts.