Snowman Wow Moment

Giant Snowman!

Check out this HUGE 8 foot snowman that Dale Renton made!  We haven't had much snow so far this season but what we have has been put to creative use!


Advent Wreaths

In this year of Covid-19 we all must do our part to bring HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE to our world.

So my Advent wreath reflect how I am trying to do my part.

Hope - saw masks go to children in Kenya and the Dominion Republic. Please feel free to add you own story of how that May bring hope!

Peace - I made masks for all the teachers and staff at our school. The masks were displayed to look like a wreath and contained a ‘thank you letter’ for all the extra efforts the teachers give to teaching virtually, extra cleaning and managing the stress of Covid on every student. The masks were made with fun winter images on one side and the other side was full of stars. I mentioned that teachers are the stars during these interesting times. Peace on earth!

Joy - and today I think you will receive JOY when you see my wreath, surrounded by my sewing tools. The wreath is made from masks and I think I have made and given away over 2020 masks.


Wow Moment about Polio Vaccine

On Wednesday I spoke to the grade 7 and 8 class about Polio eradication. Polio was a pandemic, in the 50’s it spread to every country and was declared by the United Nations as the “world's greatest health concern”. Then we talked about polio compared to coronavirus and how we might reduce the fears? They had wonderful ideas, I sure was impressed wit their knowledge.

We went outside to plant tulips around a newly planted Oak Tree. The tree was planted before thanksgiving in memory of a classmate that was killed by a speeding driver as he walking home from school. He was only twelve, some of the students told me the story as we were planting. A tragedy for them to live with at such a young age.

My wow moment was being with such Wonderful young people!!

Submitted October 29, 2020

Mr Rogers Neighbourhood

Visions United and Central United enjoyed a wonderful theatre party in Dieppe. The Tom Hanks movie “ Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood “ was enjoyed by 52 folks , most of whom remember the children’s TV show - Mr Rogers.


Thanks to Pam Harrison for organizing this event!

Dover Cemetery

Visions United spent the day cleaning up the Dover Cemetery. This cemetery was transferred to Visions care last year. It was created in 1848 and was part of the former Methodist church that was adjacent to the property. The church was removed in 1950.

Vision Pride

Visions was out this summer celebrating Moncton's River Of Pride this year.



The people of Visions United Church are getting ready early for the big "150 Canada"celebration by planting 1500 tulips throughout our communities. The plan is a tulip planting week this September as we prepare for a beautiful spring. The bulbs will be distributed at church as soon as they are available.

These are very special tulips developed in The Netherlands (Holland) over the past two years. The tulip is white on the outside and red on the inside thus looking like a maple leaf flag. It is a gift of gratitude and friendship from the people of Holland for Canada's part in liberating their country in World War 2.

Whenever our Visions Ambassador Pam Harrison meets someone from Holland this year, she is making an effort to thank them for the special CANADA 150 tulips.  "As well, I listen to their 'thank you ' to us." (Pam)

The Journey…

Its about the Journey....

This year I started walking 5K a day or 10,000 steps on my FITBIT. Part of my self discipline was to register in a marathon per month, the result was a joy filled experience. Meeting new people,  walking on new paths and streets, receiving beautiful medals, wearing fun new T shirts and crossing the finish lines.

Listening to The stories of other runners was the highlight for me. Most everyone had a reason for starting to walk or run. Mostly it was to improve their health but for others they experienced a dramatic change in their lives - death, separation, empty nester, etc. I found myself listening to others and learning that as humans we have so much in common. At the end of the race we would hug and thank each other for the time together - just being!! I reflected on the scripture " be still and know your God" and realized walking with others is living the scripture.

Walking brings you in touch with your spirit! As you walk you begin to think deeply of your life- it's joys, its challenges, a time to count your blessings. The warm breeze on you face, the smell of the flowers, the sounds of the birds, the smiles and greetings from others, and so on: all a gift from God.

Looking back on the past six months I realized that the walking community compares to belonging to a congregation. When we gathered we greeted each other with kindness and care. The conversation was positive and encouraging , it really was life giving! God enables us to gather in many ways.

God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!

Pam Harrison


Witness Blanket

Pam Harrison of Visions United recently visited the Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg where she was blessed to spend time learning about the WITNESS BLANKET. The blanket is made from cedar and contains items collected from the residential schools across Canada.

You will note the involvement of the United Church of Canada , bearing witness to our apology. We were asked to live our apology thus our crest bears the four colours of the First Nations. We also have established a special Sunday to pause and reflect on our past and current actions. What can we do to continue the healing?

We have provided a link to the WITNESS BLANKET story narrated by Sheila Rogers - please take the time to watch and listen and most of all learn.

Taking a Break

Our CLT Chairperson, Claudia recently relocated for a short term project to Bangladesh, and has sent some pictures. "I am part of a team of 14 consultants hired to update the country’s 20 year Forestry Master Plan. My main area of focus is climate change vulnerability – how are forests expected to be impacted by the effects of climate change, and what can be done to reduce the vulnerability of forest-dependent communities to the effects of climate change. Other consultants will be contributing to these topics, just as I will be contributing to other areas of the plan"

Images from Claudia’s Trip