August 30, 2020
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Can you believe that only 83 days ago we virtually gathered at Cape Spear, NL to walk to the Pacific coastline. With no idea of the necessary time and energy - we set out. In the first week we walked 946.3 KM and found ourselves on a ferry to NS , surrounded by icebergs!
Every week we were invited to ponder a word - Justice, anger, rest, wonder, isolation, beauty, endurance , disappointment, hospitality, ending, and my word was grateful.
Every day, we were grateful for all of you ‘walking together apart’.
The beautiful pictures, the interesting quiz that helped us learn interesting Canadian facts and all the opportunities to join others in worship - it was perfect. We will miss you but now we continue to walk together!
So on behalf of the organizers we thank you for walking with us, for sharing pictures and stories and walking all the way home. Please tell your friends that you walked across Canada and back with a wonderful group of like minded people who walked with respect in creation. It’s good to be home!
Pam Harrison
Vision Aiders
“Its the not the Destination, It's the journey.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Now that the journey is over you spend this week reflecting on your experiences. Then we want you to give us your feedback. Send us a story about your journey.
Send your comments and pictures to and we will compile them into a final summary page of reflections.
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"Open Hands" - In the Summer 2020...
Your Visions Aid Fund at Work
Donation highlights:
Our giving hands haven’t been able to be quite so generous during these times of physical isolation. We are missing the ReConnect jar for your small change, the Recycling dollars and the grocery cards given regularly to Karing Kitchen. Thanks to those who give by PAR we have some funds available to make one or two donations each month.
If you would like to contribute for the summer months please mail in a cheque made out to Visions United Church with a note/memo that it is for "Vision Aid". It will be received with deep gratitude!
In June your donations to the Visions Aid Fund enabled us to give $500 to Headstart for their backpack program. This year there will be a very different format. Parents will be called and asked for a list of what they need. Backpacks will be packed for each child and parents will be given a designated time to come to the yard to pick them up.
In August we sent a donation of $257.45 to ReConnect: $200 from Visions Aid Fund, and an additional $57.45 received from your summer donations.
ReConnect needs our help more than ever. Homeless people can no longer find relief from the heat in public places like the library or mall. ReConnect’s outreach team has set up a misting tent at Avenir and is busy giving out food, water and clothing.
The Visions Aid Team, with the expertise and support of Terry MacTavish-Hawkes, organized and planned the summer pilgrimage project. Our July "Giving Hand" highlights this activity for our summer sabbath month.
Visit the pilgrimage page on the website to read about this virtual adventure:
Our Pilgrimage will be coming to an end next week. Check out the journey...
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Current Week: 1331 km
Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km
Total Participants: 58
Amount Over Goal: 8960 km
Total Pods: 8
We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.
Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.
This week's journey has us continuing through northern Ontario and into Quebec. We travel south on route 11 past the communities of Iroquois Falls and Timmins then onto route 101 before crossing into Quebec. From there we zig-zag north east until we hit route 113 passing the towns of Sainte-Germaine-Boulé (population 900), La Morandière and Aiguebelle National Park. From there we travel south on route 167 past Chibougamau and Saint-Félicien where we meet up with route 172 which we take until we get to the St. Lawrence River. From there it's a short journey to our stopping point for this week, Forestville and Baie-Laval. - I was surprised with the lack of English on some of these community Websites.
(Click on the links above and read about our pilgrimage destinations).
To drive into the route on Google Maps click this link: Pilgrimage Week 11.
Given our past progress we expect to be back in MONCTON next week. We will be celebrating our entire journey with Stories from the participants. Everyone who has been on this journey is welcome to submit a story, a reflection, a single image that defines your journey across this awesome country and back again. Are you a different person than you were twelve weeks ago? Are you feeling better physically and spiritually? Don't be shy. If you want to remain anonymous mention that in the email and we will respect your wishes.
Send your reflection to
The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area
Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.
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Comments will appear once they have been reviewed
Current Week: 1405 km
Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km
Total Participants: 58
Amount Over Goal: 7629 km
Total Pods: 8
Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.
We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.
Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.
This week's journey picks up where we left off at Port Nelson/York Factory at the mouth of the Hudson Bay. Since there are no roads around we are HIKING as the crow flies from here to Armstrong, On. This is a total of 775 km, according to this site. We pass near a number of northern first nations communities such as Shamattawa (population 1019), Muskrat Dam (population 375) and Pickle Lake, the most northerly community in the province of ON that has year-round access by road (imagine that for a minute).
Now that we are back on the road we can travel in style (after a shower and good nights rest).
From Armstrong we wind around past Windogo Bay and Whitesand Provincial Parks on route 11 (TCH) to arrive at our destination for the week, Moonbeam ON.
(Click on the links above and read about our pilgrimage destinations).
To dive into the route on Google Maps click this link: Pilgrimage Week 10.
The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area
in Bruce Mines, Thessalon, Desbarats and Cloudslee, Ontario will be streaming online at 10:00 local time.
in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario will be streaming online at 10:00 local time.
in North Bay, Ontario will be streaming online at 10:30 local time.
in North Bay, Ontario will be streaming online at 10:00 local time.
in Espanola, Ontario will be streaming online at 10:00 local time.
Comments will appear once they have been reviewed
Current Week: 1200 km
Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km
Total Participants: 58
Total To Date: 13,516 km
Amount Over Goal: 6224 km
Total Pods: 8
Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.
We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.
Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.
This week's journey picks up where we left off outside of Canora, SK. Backtracking a bit we head NORTH this week up route 9 through the towns of Endeavor, Bertwell, Hudson Bay and Mountain Cabin. From there we pick up route 289 to The Pas (located at the confluence of the Pasquia River and the Saskatchewan River) and now we are in MANITOBA.
Next is further north to Flin Flon (I always liked that name) on route 10. Turning around there we follow route 39 to its end where it turns into route 6. We follow route 6 until it ends in Gillam. That's literally the end of the road, so we hop on a boat to the coast along the Nelson River where we stop again at Port Nelson at the mouth of HUDSON BAY.
It really amazes me how few ROADS there are in Northern Manitoba.
(Click on the links above and read about our pilgrimage destinations).
To dive into the route on Google Maps click this link: Pilgrimage Week 9
The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area
in Pierson, Manitoba will be streaming online at 09:30 local time.
in Brandon, Manitoba will be streaming online at 10:30 local time.
in Wawanesa, Manitoba will be streaming online at 11:00 local time.
in Kenville, Manitoba will be streaming online at 10:00 local time.
in Kindersley, Saskatchewan will be streaming online at 11:00 local time.
in Lucky Lake, Saskatchewan will be streaming online at 10:30 local time.
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