Giving Hands – Spring 2020

"Open Hands" - In the Spring 2020...

Your Visions Aid Fund at Work

Donation highlights:

  • ReConnect  ($400)
  • Karing Kitchen ($200)
  • Inclusion Advocacy ($200)
  • Crossroads for Women ($400)
  • Camp Ta-Wa-Si Virtual Camp ($500)

In March the Karing Kitchen donations that we received in February were forwarded.  We made a donation to Inclusion Advocacy which works to help those with intellectual disabilities attain full inclusion in community life. In April we gave from our Vision Aid fund to ReConnect  and to Crossroads for Women, organizations that providing safe housing, education and counseling for women and children in crisis. Our May donation went to Camp Ta-Wa-Si to help with the new virtual camp they are setting up for this summer.

Our giving hands haven’t been able to be quite so generous during these times of physical isolation. We are missing the ReConnect jar for your small change, the Recycling dollars and the grocery cards given regularly to Karing Kitchen. Thanks to those who give by PAR we have some funds available to make one or two donations each month.

If you would like to contribute for the summer months please mail in a cheque made out to Visions United Church with a note/memo that it is for "Vision Aid". It will be received with deep gratitude!