Farewell to Shawn

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March 3, 2024 marks an end to Rev Shawn Redden's journey with Visions United Church.

We wish her well in the next Chapter of her life...

Thank-you for your passion, dedication and care of the Visons Family.  You will be missed.


Pastoral Letter from Rev Shawn Redden

A ‘Thank You’ from Shawn

I am touched and very appreciative of the kindness and generosity shared with me last Sunday (March 3rd) at the “good-bye” celebration. What a wonderful potluck! Thank you to each of you who worked behind the scenes, organizing the event, preparing food, tending the kitchen, decorating, and so much more!

For the cards and messages, the slideshow tribute of our ministry together, the kind words shared, the special bouquet of flowers, the beautiful piece of New Brunswick pottery, candle, handcrafted wood cheese board, and generous gift of money – thank you! (I will likely use it once I move to purchase bookshelves for my new space, as my office will be from home. And as you know, I have many books in my library).

Friends, most especially I am grateful for your presence and taking the time to gather for the service and celebration. Blessings on your journey. You’ve been such a blessing on mine!

April Covid-19 Planning Survey Results

Protocols for In Person Spirit Gatherings

Despite COVID-19 restrictions being lifted by Government in MARCH 2022, infections still are at a high rate in our region, as shown in hospitalization rates and health care employee absentee rates. Because of this, and with the risk profiles of Visions event attendees, your Congregational Leadership Team (CLT) decided that there will be no changes made in Visions’ COVID-19 precautions for April. The protocols listed below are in line with approximately 75% of the responders (total responders 49) to the recent congregational survey completed March 28th.

Thank you for your cooperation and participating in the Covid Planning Survey. This policy will be reviewed before May. Questions or concerns can be directed to Peter Lightfoot.


To download the PDF of the survey results click here

Spirit Gatherings and In Person Hub Events

  • continuous masking (except Spirit Gathering officiants at microphones)
  • 2-metre distancing between “social bubbles”
  • hand washing or hand sanitizer use
  • attendance will no longer be recorded and proof of vaccination status will not be required (Visions cannot legally request such proof)

Conversation Café

  • no Conversation Café in April

Pastoral Care Team Visits

  • no in person visits in April

Home Clergy Visits

  • a direct request from an individual or their family should be made to Shawn or through the Church Office to discuss the circumstances and agreed-upon precautions.

09-18 Survey-Update

Survey Overview of Results

COVID-19 has forced all public services, charities and event planers to adjust their operations to ensure everyone’s safety and minimize the risks associated with personal interactions.

Visions responded to COVID-19 challenges with a new virtual approach to worship and community.  While church events outside of worship were reduced, teams and committees continue to move forward to support Vision’s ministry.

After several months of virtual worship, the survey provided essential feedback that helps to gauge people’s interest, participation, and their comfort levels with personal interactions. Results will help share Visions’ approach to worship and community in the coming months.

Key areas of interest that were measured by the survey included:

• Satisfaction with the current service format and intent to continue viewing the services
• Potential adjustments to virtual gatherings and events
• Technology challenges and considerations
• Feelings regarding attendance at in-person gatherings

Results Highlights

Nearly 80% of respondents have attended more than half of the virtual gatherings and will continue to view them in future. Of the respondents who viewed five or fewer virtual gatherings, the majority indicated that lack of technology or access were the reason for not attending. We will need to look at ways that those who cannot access the virtual gatherings can continue to worship and feel like part of our community.

Responses suggest that 39.6% of respondents had some interest in adjusting services to increase virtual conversation and participation. 60.4% were not interested and the majority of these indicated they liked services as they are now or were not comfortable with the technology required.

54.7% of respondents would be open to social bubble spiritual gatherings in COVID protocols were in place. Similarly, 54.9% indicate an interest in online group activities outside of spirit gatherings. 77.4% of respondents appreciate check-in chats either by traditional phone call (58.5%) or by online virtual chat (19.5%).


In terms of technology, there is familiarity with mainly Zoom and Skype and limited use of Facebook Live and WebEx technologies. Technology does seem to challenge respondents and limit their interest in evolving the virtual spirit gatherings.

Interest in in-person spirit gatherings with COVID-19 protocols in place is fairly high at 69.2%. Of those who are not interested, 23.1% of respondents cited being uncomfortable out of their own bubble as the reason why they would not attend in-person spirit gatherings.

In-person activities beyond spirit gatherings were of interest to 51.9% of respondents. Of those who were not comfortable, 26.9% indicated they were uncomfortable out of their own bubble and an additional 15.4% suggested they were only interested in Spirit Gatherings.



The people of Visions United Church are getting ready early for the big "150 Canada"celebration by planting 1500 tulips throughout our communities. The plan is a tulip planting week this September as we prepare for a beautiful spring. The bulbs will be distributed at church as soon as they are available.

These are very special tulips developed in The Netherlands (Holland) over the past two years. The tulip is white on the outside and red on the inside thus looking like a maple leaf flag. It is a gift of gratitude and friendship from the people of Holland for Canada's part in liberating their country in World War 2.

Whenever our Visions Ambassador Pam Harrison meets someone from Holland this year, she is making an effort to thank them for the special CANADA 150 tulips.  "As well, I listen to their 'thank you ' to us." (Pam)

New Hand Rail

Many Thanks from Visions United to David Kelly (son of Ron and June Kelly) for creating this wonderful piece of art for the outside of the church. There have been a lot of great feedback about the design of the rail.  It will certainly ensure that those who exit the church are much safer, especially in  the coming winter months.

Thanks again!


The Doors are back in town…

Visions is proud to be displaying these doors outside the church now that the warmer weather has returned. Join us for Sunday service at 10. Come early for 9am "Conversation Cafe" and talk about what ever is on your mind.

All are welcome!