Vision Aiders Earth Day Challenge

April 19, 2020

A Moment with Visions Aiders
April 22 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!
Here's a message from Pam Harrison with an Earth Day challenge.
We hope 50 people will take up the challenge.

Click on the Image below to lauch the Video

Visions in the Cloud – April 12

April 12, 2020

The Spirit Gathering Attachment for this week can be found here


The Easter service includes a blessing ritual in place of communion.
You may choose to use the blessing when you gather at your Easter table as a grace.  Or you may wish to have ready some kind of bread (cracker, cookie, muffin, bread) and some water, wine, or juice, to partake during this service.

A full communion service is offered lifestream at 4pm AST with the Moderator, Richard Bott


Click on the Image below to lauch the Video

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