Visions in the Cloud – Nov 05

Where do we go from here?

This week we engage the final question of our series: "Where do we go from here?" This final question invites us to foster hope and imagination whenever we find ourselves on the threshold of something new. We hear the story of Naomi and Ruth and remind ourselves what it means to walk alongside each other into new beginnings. (Ruth 1:1-22)

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 29

What do you need?

When someone is hurting, how do we ask "What do you need?" This week our courageous conversations take us into shared spaces of vulnerability, honesty and compassionate care. We need each other. We consider the difference between sympathy and empathy. We turn to the story of Job for a window into wisdom. (Job 1:11-13)

We invite you to ponder your needs and answer, "I've been meaning to ask... what do you need?"

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 22

Where does it hurt?

We continue our series about questions we've been meaning to ask - questions that keep us curious and lead us deeper into courage and connection. This week, "I've been meaning to ask...where does it hurt?" We all know pain and suffering. We all have the capacity to come alongside others who are hurting. We look to the stories of Jesus to learn how to be present to each other with courage and compassion. (Mark 5:21-43)

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 15

Where are you from?

In order to build connection and trust, we need to listen to each other's stories and experiences to learn who and what has shaped us.

This week we consider the question we often ask of each other, "Where are you from?". We hear the story of the calling of the disciples (John 1:35-51), and Jesus' invitation to us, 'come and see', as we journey together with genuine curiosity.

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