"Acts" Now
Visions United
"Acts" Now
Stories of Making Church Outside a Building
Before there is a Church... Before there is a building... There is a community
Born of the Spirit at Pentecost
These are the first stories of making church outside a building.
These are our stories!
Our current Spirit Gathering theme series is based on the 'Acts of the Apostles'.
We are entering the homestretch as we wait for the opening of the Community Hub on Joyce Ave this August. So, as we read through these stories in Acts we will be thinking about how we will act: how will we pray, worship, give and serve as part of the new Community Hub ministry? Our series ends with a celebration of Pentecost on May 23rd.
Bible Study Book Club - Session 3
See below for a timeline of weekly readings for Part 3.
Consider participating in an occasional, informal Bible Study and chat about what you are reading.
- Session 3 (to be scheduled)
Watch a video from the Bible Project that tells the story of Acts 13-28:
As we read through this book from the Bible, we will listen to these stories from Acts and see where we are in the story:
- How may God be using a story to have a conversation with us about 'who we are' and 'how we are church' together in these days of on-line recordings, gathering in rented space, and engaging ministry in a new neighbourhood as part of the Community Hub project?
Over the next several months, we will read through Acts in three stages, or 'acts', pausing to celebrate the liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter:
- 'Act 1': October 18 - November 22, 2020
- 'Act 2': January 10 - February 14, 2021
- 'Act 3': April 18 - May 23, 2021
Appendix A: Judaism and Christianity in First-Century
As we read further into Acts, and the 'gospel story' spreads into the Gentile (non-Jewish)world, the relationship between Judaism and Christianity becomes more complicated. Christians today have a responsibility to ensure we do not contribute to anti Semitism in our world. It's important to remember, firstly, that Jesus, himself, was Jewish; and secondly, 'Christianity' was not initially a separate religion, but more of a 'sect' within Judaism. That's why the followers described themselves as 'followers of the Way of Jesus'. Acts is likely written after the split between Judaism and Christianity, yet looks back and tells the story of the emerging movement that was still within Judaism. The reality is 2000 years later the Church is more like the 'establishment' and less like the emerging movement. The 'Appendix' offers a glimpse into the first century context, and can help us avoid a 'we' and 'them' interpretation about Christianity and Judaism.
Thanks to Rev Shawn and all that took part in the service!
It was great seeing each one and your stories, but the most
amazing part was to see Cecil looking so great !!
Thanks be to God