Pre-Book Tickets for Pankcake Brunches

Visions is offering you the opportunity to give the gift of community.  This Christmas season you can purchase advance tickets to our annual Pancake Brunches.

For those not familiar with our brunches, we offer 4 weekend sittings on Saturday from 8am-1pm. Click the following links to purchase your tickets. Give them to friends, family, co-workers.



Join us at Visions for the Advent season….

The Journey…

Its about the Journey....

This year I started walking 5K a day or 10,000 steps on my FITBIT. Part of my self discipline was to register in a marathon per month, the result was a joy filled experience. Meeting new people,  walking on new paths and streets, receiving beautiful medals, wearing fun new T shirts and crossing the finish lines.

Listening to The stories of other runners was the highlight for me. Most everyone had a reason for starting to walk or run. Mostly it was to improve their health but for others they experienced a dramatic change in their lives - death, separation, empty nester, etc. I found myself listening to others and learning that as humans we have so much in common. At the end of the race we would hug and thank each other for the time together - just being!! I reflected on the scripture " be still and know your God" and realized walking with others is living the scripture.

Walking brings you in touch with your spirit! As you walk you begin to think deeply of your life- it's joys, its challenges, a time to count your blessings. The warm breeze on you face, the smell of the flowers, the sounds of the birds, the smiles and greetings from others, and so on: all a gift from God.

Looking back on the past six months I realized that the walking community compares to belonging to a congregation. When we gathered we greeted each other with kindness and care. The conversation was positive and encouraging , it really was life giving! God enables us to gather in many ways.

God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!

Pam Harrison


New Hand Rail

Many Thanks from Visions United to David Kelly (son of Ron and June Kelly) for creating this wonderful piece of art for the outside of the church. There have been a lot of great feedback about the design of the rail.  It will certainly ensure that those who exit the church are much safer, especially in  the coming winter months.

Thanks again!


Visions Pride!

Pride 2016

Visions United joined with local area United Churches, Central and St Paul's, to march in this year's River of Pride Parade.  Our Visions United Doors 'God Doors Are Open to All' were proudly displayed on the float. Here are some pictures from the day.

Headstart Presents Award

Glenna Lightfoot, representing Visions United, with Mary O'Donnell , receiving an award for donations to Moncton Headstart .
Visions has received an award each of the past 4 years for generous donations to the school supply and Christmas Toyland projects.

Visions Recognized

The congregation of Visions United Church was very pleased to receive a certificate of recognition from The United Church of Canada.

Camp Ta-Wa-Si

On July 17-19, 2016 Vision's United were at Camp Ta-Wa-Si enjoying the great weather and fellowship.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.


We started May with a couple of bell workshops to see if we might have anyone from our church interested in playing the bells.
Two bell ringers.....more bells needed.  So, I am asking that if anyone would like to help them out this Sunday morning and practice with us at 9:00am.  You are welcome.!!!!!!
Maybe you played them in years past.....or you do read a bit of music...... I'm not asking for a commitment but "you" could be the one to be encouraging someone else that may have been a little shy in stepping up.
Daphna Pearson

Witness Blanket

Pam Harrison of Visions United recently visited the Human Rights Museum in Winnipeg where she was blessed to spend time learning about the WITNESS BLANKET. The blanket is made from cedar and contains items collected from the residential schools across Canada.

You will note the involvement of the United Church of Canada , bearing witness to our apology. We were asked to live our apology thus our crest bears the four colours of the First Nations. We also have established a special Sunday to pause and reflect on our past and current actions. What can we do to continue the healing?

We have provided a link to the WITNESS BLANKET story narrated by Sheila Rogers - please take the time to watch and listen and most of all learn.