Welcome Rev Dr. Shawn Redden

The Covenanting Service was held on Sunday, March 6 at 3:00pm for Rev. Dr. Shawn Redden. Members of Visions United, Presbytery and family and friends were on hand to welcome Shawn to the Visions family.

Rev. Shawn was co-minister at St. Paul’s United Church in Riverview from 2000 to 2010. For the past five years, Rev. Shawn had been co-minister at St. Paul’s United Church in Sussex. Rev. Shawn also ministered at Trinity United Church in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia (1995 to 2000) and Barrington Pastoral Charge in Barrington, Nova Scotia (1992-1995).

Some of her many strengths include being great with children and youth, being very familiar with Godly Play (Rev. Shawn is one of the key persons to introduce Godly Play to our Presbytery), training and leading lay leaders, and being respectful of others and where they are on their faith journey. She is able to explain a concept so that others understand. Rev. Shawn’s ability to name a vision and to bring others to it, will be of great value to Visions United as we work on a strategic plan to help guide us on our journey

Welcome Shawn!

One Comment

  1. hi shawn finally get to see your new church God is with you and your journey is long but I have many blessings you left behind May the love and wisdom of Christ always be with you

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