Ban Single Use Plastic Bags

If you would like to support our Petition, please sign and share.

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The origins of the idea was a member of the congregation who felt that we should consider a ban on plastic in our community.  During Lent, the congregation was asked to give up single use plastics.  This led to the idea of approaching City Hall with a Petition.  Visions United members brought their petition to Moncton City Council on Monday May 7, 2108.

It calls for a Ban on Single Use plastic bags.  The CBC was there and filed this report: Plastic Bag Ban

Moncton City Council advised us this issue will be on the agenda of the Tri-Communities meeting (Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview) on June 13th, 2018.  Let's join our voices to let our officials know we support a ban on single-use plastic shopping bags. One small action can make a difference!


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