Visions in the Cloud – Jan 16


This Sunday you are invited to a wedding!

A wedding that is going to run out of wine… until Jesus shows up!
We join Jesus and his mother at the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11), and spend some time wondering about signs of abundance and grace as the ‘wine of patience runs out’ in these COVID times.

PS: If you are a wine drinker, enjoy a glass of wine for this ‘Wedding at Cana’…
If you are not a wine-drinker, enjoy some fresh grapes. Ponder with us the invitation to share extravagant love and abundant generosity.

Covid-19 Update

With the increasing Covid19 cases, and our commitment to keeping everyone as safe as possible, we are currently having services online only until further notice.

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  1. A wonderful Spirit Gathering for a bitterly cold January day in “lock down”. One of our “star”words is “plenty” and that is synonymous with abundance. God’s blessing has provided plenty for these days of isolation so I give thanks daily.

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