Pilgrimage Begins

Week Beginning June 1, 2020

Weekly Update: 0 km

Pilgrimage Goal: 7292 km

Total Participants: 0

Total Pods: 0

Word for the Coming Week : BEGINNING

We will use this word to reflect on as we walk, run or roll through our week.

Some words may inspire you with exciting new insights while others may disturb your thinking or challenge your beliefs. Sometimes you will love or take comfort in what you are hearing, while other times you may feel discomfort or resistance. Pay attention to all as this is part of your journey.

If you wish, keep a journal about your insights, whether challenging, comforting or enlightening. And remember, there is no right or wrong way to travel. This is your journey - you get to decide how you will travel - you need only to begin. Most of all, enjoy the journey knowing that you have many pilgrims who are "virtually" traveling with you!

See you in Victoria!

Pilgrimage Pods

Are you participating in a group?  Let us know who is in your group and what motivates your group. We will  be highlighting people and groups over the course of the Pilgrimage

Photo Credit: https://escapismmagazine.com

St John's

Since we are starting in St. John's this week it seems appropriate to begin at the eastern most point of North America, Cape Spear.

Click to watch a video about Cape Spear

Local Virtual Services

This week we are beginning our Journey in St. John's NF.

The United Church of Canada Website has the following local area United Church listings for the Area

Cochrane Street United Church

in St. John’s , Newfoundland & Labrador will be online at 9:00 local time.

    We recorded the service and there is nice welcome to the people of Visions United Church. It will go live at 9am and you can watch it anytime!
    Rev. Miriam Bowlby

Join worship    |    find out more


Time Zone Converter

Since we are displaying services in their Local Time Zone you may want to convert that time to your local area. Here is helpful website to perform this task.
- https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

POST A COMMENT below if you are on the journey!

Comments will appear once they have been reviewed


  1. To start my journey, I will get up at 4:30 a.m. so I start walking when the sun starts to rise. It is only fitting that we rise to the occasion and start with the sun rise. Then I would like to do my final walk in BC as the sun sets.

    I wish everyone a happy and healthy journey. Stay safe.

    So thrilled to be part of this.


  2. Just looking at the weather and it will be 14 degrees with showers. Going to be a great day to start the Cross Canada
    Pandemic Pilgrimage. Our group is called Pam’s Pilgrams and we are ready to walk, run, bike across the wonderful country. See you at Cape Spear.

  3. This morning I was looking for BEGINNINGS. It was the beginning of our walk across Canada. I saw a pine cone on the side of the road and that may be the beginning of a pine tree. The apple trees are starting to bloom and so an apple begins from a blossom . The birds are teaching their young to fly and they are beginning to fly higher and further everyday. This time of the year so many are enjoying beginnings, if you look!

  4. Day 2- I enjoyed another great walk! In the beginning , when we started Visions we used a DVD called Celebrate What’s Right With the World. Do you remember the story of the little boy with the Fisher Price camera? He asked Dewitt Jones, (National Geographic photographer) if he could take pictures with him. After 30 minutes of taking pretend pictures he turned to Dewitt and told him he had juice in his camera and offered him a drink. Then we were asked – “do you have any juice in your camera!”

    Great story and I want to tell you that doing the virtual walk across Canada with all of you put – juice in my camera!! Have a great day Pam

  5. Day 3- this morning I walked more quickly trying to pick up the pace. I am beginning to walk more quickly for a longer period of time, feels good! I met a lady walking her dog. She is beginning to train the dog to not go on the road. The dog is beginning to listen. Every day is full of beginnings to celebrate !

    ( Just to say they will be doing this for a very long time , it was not going very well)

  6. I am starting at the very beginning, again, with a learn to run program. I first started running in 2002 but it’s been a few years since I’ve done any. So, two weeks ago I decided it was time, again. It’s hard work. It takes mindfulness.

  7. Greetings from “Pam’s Pilgrims”
    The first week was only 5 days and a time to begin our Cross Canada Pandemic Pilgrimage adventure. Our group are friends and family members plus three wonderful dogs. We come from Ottawa, Fredericton, Wood Point, River Hebert and Brookfield. Some walked, others biked and we have a runner. All of us enjoy nature and often capture beautiful picture of very special moments when we are amazed by the beautiful world around us. We hope to share some of those pictures on this web site and I do hope you will do the same.
    In the beginning – we did not know who would join our walk, where they would come from, how to record our KM and how to connect to the site. Please understand this is a work in progress by volunteers. We just want to have fun being together on a journey.
    At the end of every week we will be somewhere in this beautiful country and can attend a virtual church service with people we have never met but what matters is we are together in spirit. Pam

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