Visions in the Cloud – Nov 19

10:30am - Café Church

This is an opportunity for adults to gather for music, reflection and conversation in Café style. We wrap-up our theme, "I've Been meaning to Ask...Conversations with Curiosity, Courage, Connection."

Zoom instead of Livestream: There is no livestream this week. Instead we invite you to join by zoom. Bring your coffee/tea and join the conversation with other zoom participants.

The Zoom link was sent out with our week mailer, so refer to that for details.


Please note: 

  • Conversation Café starts later this week at 10:15, and will be in the Grand Room as part of the Spirit Gathering.
  • There is no children's program on Sunday morning this week. (Families are invited to join us for Supper Church)


Supper Church for All Ages - 3:30-5:30ish

This gathering is an informal, participatory gathering especially for children and their families. In the style of ‘messy church’ we will gather for story, song, creative expression, and food! Kid-friendly supper of pizza provided. (Donations welcome/pay-as-you-can).

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Visions in the Cloud – Nov 05

Where do we go from here?

This week we engage the final question of our series: "Where do we go from here?" This final question invites us to foster hope and imagination whenever we find ourselves on the threshold of something new. We hear the story of Naomi and Ruth and remind ourselves what it means to walk alongside each other into new beginnings. (Ruth 1:1-22)

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 29

What do you need?

When someone is hurting, how do we ask "What do you need?" This week our courageous conversations take us into shared spaces of vulnerability, honesty and compassionate care. We need each other. We consider the difference between sympathy and empathy. We turn to the story of Job for a window into wisdom. (Job 1:11-13)

We invite you to ponder your needs and answer, "I've been meaning to ask... what do you need?"

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 22

Where does it hurt?

We continue our series about questions we've been meaning to ask - questions that keep us curious and lead us deeper into courage and connection. This week, "I've been meaning to ask...where does it hurt?" We all know pain and suffering. We all have the capacity to come alongside others who are hurting. We look to the stories of Jesus to learn how to be present to each other with courage and compassion. (Mark 5:21-43)

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 15

Where are you from?

In order to build connection and trust, we need to listen to each other's stories and experiences to learn who and what has shaped us.

This week we consider the question we often ask of each other, "Where are you from?". We hear the story of the calling of the disciples (John 1:35-51), and Jesus' invitation to us, 'come and see', as we journey together with genuine curiosity.

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Visions in the Cloud – Oct 01

Worldwide Communion

You're Invited! When we gather at the Table of Jesus, lines become circles, walls disappear, the welcome is wide, abundance overflows, there is enough for all, there is room for all!

Join us at the Table as we celebrate Worldwide Communion.

If you are joining us on-line, 'set' a table with us: bring bread/cracker and juice/water for Communion. Light your Christ Candle. All are welcome at the Table of Jesus Christ.

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Visions in the Cloud – Sept 24

Affronted or Amazed by Generous Grace?

Our world is too often divided by 'us vs them', who is deserving and who is not, who is in and who is out.

Grace can be a scarce commodity. Thankfully, in the economics of the kindom of God, grace is an abundant gift for all! Join us as we contemplate this challenge while celebrating this Good News! (Matthew 20:1-16)

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Visions in the Cloud – Sept 17

Forgiveness - More Than a Word Spoken

Forgiveness is a spiritual practice. It takes courage and commitment. It is more than a word spoken.

How do we hold each other to loving accountability and live graciously into the spiral of repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and transformation? Join us as we continue our conversation about what it means to be a spiritual community.
(Matthew 20)

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